
This area is the ideal destination for a wedding to celebrate in a man-sized reality, not at all dispersive, and placed in a time that has a strong flavor of the past, history, magic.

The city of Benevento, capital of the homonymous province, is located on the Apennine hinterland of Campania, in a basin surrounded by hills including the Taburno Camposauro massif.
The territory on which the city extends is rather undulated. Its center, in fact, rises on a modest hill in the middle of the basin and some districts rise on other surrounding hillocks. This enchanting aspect, which recalls the one of a crib, encloses uncontaminated landscapes, picturesque villages, millenary history and traditions and enogastronomical excellences: in short, many good reasons to choose Benevento and its province as a destination to celebrate and commemorate your wedding day.
The whole area is the keeper of an important historical, artistic and archaeological heritage, result of the various dominations which succeeded one another during its course of history. So, churches, but also castles, old palaces, villas, estates: important ingredients for an unforgettable wedding day, immersed in the history and beauty of the villages of Benevento, small pearls of southern Italy, such as Sant’Agata de ‘Goti. This medieval village, full of beauty, stands on a terrace of tufa and seems almost to be suspended on the rock.
It is also a renowned village for its culinary tradition, in particular for the wine that can be tasted, together with delicious dishes, in the many agritourisms that the area hosts and that are the ideal places for those who want to celebrate their wedding in contact with nature, in a relaxed and regenerating atmosphere. The landscape of Benevento looks like a series of towers, castles and ancient guardhouses, because the origins of this province are very ancient: it is the land of the proud Samnites who, jealous guardians of their freedom and identity, were tenacious opponents of the expansion of Rome. Sannio, that is the province of Benevento, is a “bewitched” land where past and present, ancient and modern, coexist with strength. This area is the ideal destination for a wedding to celebrate in a man-sized reality, not at all dispersive, and placed in a time that has a strong flavor of the past, history, magic.



"POR Campania FESR 2014-2020"